3 pasi spre castigarea unui pitch strategic - PRwave.ro - stiri afaceri, marketing, financiare, business, case studies, interviuri etc. din 2005
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3 pasi spre castigarea unui pitch strategic

Care sunt pasii ce i-ai recomanda sa fie urmati de catre echipa ce te reprezinta la un pitch nou?

Un material de Ana ADI
Mojo Ad
PR Account Executive

Echipa Mojo Ad a descoperit de curand o reteta de succes ce combina munca pe branci cu ideile marete si cu o buna cunoastere a echipei. Totul a inceput acum cateva luni, cand Mojo Ad a semnat un contract cu un nou client, Albert Motors, reprezentanta locala pentru Honda. Brief-ul a cerut fiecareia dintre cele trei echipe ale Mojo Ad sa conceapa o strategie promotionala care sa creasca exponential awareness-ul reprezentantei in randul tinerilor si a tinerilor adulti din zona Columbiei din statul Missouri si care sa mareasca traficul pe situl web al reprezentantei activand publicul tinta intr-o maniera neexplorata pana in prezent.

{viewonly=registered,special}Fiecare echipa a propus concepte, strategii si tactici diferite, toate bazate pe informatia obtinuta din datele de cercetarea primara si secundara. Mai mult, chestionarul preliminar completat de client la prima intalnire cu reprenzentantii Mojo Ad a scos in evidente multe dezavantaje precum si suficiente oportunitati ce au putut alimenta ideile pentru executii diferite.
Competitia a fost crancena. Miza a fost mare si munca grea, complicata si exploratorie; iar daca luam in calcul faptul ca doar putini dintre cei din staff-ul Mojo Ad au experienta de munca full-time si pe termen lung intr-o agentie de publicitate, atunci proiectul Albert Motors a reprezentat si o provocare imensa.

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Mai mult, clientul insusi a venit cu o serie de provocari: avea un competitor foarte puternic, era putin cunoscut de publicul tinta iar in cazul in care era recunoscut, imaginea cu care era asociat era aceea a unui dealer auto invechit. Mai mult, imaginea si pozitionarea companiei nu erau clare nici macar pentru client.

Recomandarile de campanii au fost: 1) un traseu/ « road trip », 2) o campanie de repozitionare a dealership-ului auto, centrata in jurul conceptului « Stim cum e » si 3) o serie de concerte lansate in parteneriat cu localul cel mai vestit din Columbia, Missouri pentru concertele live.  

Regula nr. 1: Asigura-te ca toate tacticile servesc si iti sustin strategia.

Strategia a fost sa arate publicului tinta ca opiniile si dorintele lor conteaza pentru clientul nostru. Astfel, echipa A a sugerat organizarea unei serii de 6 concerte, primele 5 fiind gandite sa atraga atentia si sa popularizeze ultimul concert, un concert in aer liber si totalmente gratuit pentru participanti, costurile fiind suportate de reprezentanta auto. Strategia a fost inspirata de unul din punctele cheie evidentiate de cercetarea primara ce mentiona concertele live ca fiind o parte importanta a stilului de viata YAYA (youth and young adult). Mai mult, cercetarea primara a relevat ca tinerii si tinerii adulti consuma media intr-un mod cu totul diferit comparativ cu alte grupuri de varsta, la fel cum asteptarile lor referitoare la uzul si consumul de media sunt foarte diferite. Asadar, sugestia echipei A a fost ca odata cu inceperea seriei de concerte „We rock, you roll” sa fie lansata o competite online a formatiilor locale, gazduita pe situl web al reprezentantei auto avand ca premiu deschiderea concertului final de catre formatia castigatoare. Mai mult, competitia se adreseaza si suporterilor formatiilor locale precum si tuturor celor pasionati de musica live oferindu-le posibilitatea de a vota si pentru modelul de pe tricourile ce vor fi distribuite gratuit la concert, pentru genul de muzica si chiar si pentru bauturile disponibile. Publicitate online si schimburi de bannere, concursuri radio, bilete gratuite, sponsorizari ale sectiunii meteo si un parteneriat cu televiziunea locala cu cel mai bun rating au fost integrate in planul promotiei. In plus, a mai fost adaugata o componenta multi-platforma. Abonatii newsletter-ului local partener si vizitatorii sitului web al dealership-ului vor fi invitati sa profite de oferta Albert Motors de a primi  sms-uri cu datele si preturile concertelor numai dupa solicitarea explicita a acestor informatii. Drept recompensa, pentru fiecare cerere de informatii via sms, solicitantul acestora va fi inscris intr-o tombola al carei premiu va consta in participarea la un concert important din US, costurile de calatorie si cazare fiind acoperite de reprezentanta Honda. Totodata, datorita aceleasi facilitati sms, partipantii la concert vor putea solicita statutul de VIP intrand primii in sala de concert.

Regula nr. 2: Indrazneste sa inovezi.

Tocmai datorita curajului de a inova, prezentarea echipei A a fost considerata ca fiind cea mai buna si a atras atentia pana si a Biroului de Publicitate Televizata (Television Bureau of Advertising), asociatia non-profit a broadcaster-ilor americani din industria TV. Drept urmare echipa A a fost invitata la New York sa prezinte conceptul si strategia campaniei pentru Albert Motors si sa ofere o noua reteta de campanie multi-platforma care sa poata fi implementata oriunde si oricand unora dintre cele mai importante figuri din industria TV din America. Insa, pana sa ajunga acolo, membrii echipei A au fost ingrijorati ca planul si strategia lor erau cu mult sub propunerile celorlalte doua echipe concurente. Prin urmare, au decis sa elimine din planul si prezentarea lor tot ceea ce parea sa nu aiba o stransa legatura cu conceptul campaniei si cu obiectivele strategiei. Iar cand a venit vremea sa prezinte, ceea ce echipa a facut, a fost sa-si descrie campania cu cea mai mare incredere sustinand puternic ideea ca nu exista plan mai bun decat al lor.

Regula nr. 3: Ai incredere in tine.

Faptul ca echipa A a crezut tot timpul ca este in urma comparativ cu celelelalte echipe i-a determinat pe membri sa caute multiple solutii care sa le sustina munca. Iar prezentarea clara si concisa, dinamica si plina de incredere in conceptul prezentat a contribuit cu siguranta la castigarea pitch-ului. Au repetat si repetat prezentarea pana cand avantajele si dezavantajele fiecaruia au fost evidente. Apoi, cunoscandu-se deja foarte bine, au decis ca prezentatorii sa fie cei ce le-ar garanta castigarea clientului si neaparat cei ale caror functii si titluri i-ar fi desemnat ca reprezentanti.

Pana la urma, castigarea clientului e importanta!
Mult succes si la cat mai multe pitch-uri castigatoare va doreste Mojo Ad, expertul YAYA.

Cititi si Fata in fata cu expertii… Te alaturi echipei?

3 steps to win a strategic pitch

What main steps would you recommend to your pitching team when competing for a new account?

Mojo Ad’s team A recently discovered a successful recipe that combines hard work with great ideas and a good knowledge of the team. All started a few months ago, when Mojo Ad signed a contract with its new client, a local Honda dealership. The brief required each of the three teams to come up with a promotional strategy that would help boost the dealership’s awareness among youth and young adults in the Columbia, Missouri area, and increase traffic on the dealership’s website by engaging the target audience in a way never explored before.

Each team came with a different concept, strategy and supporting tactics based on the information their primary and secondary research provided. Moreover, the questionnaire the client filled in during the first meeting with Mojo Ad’s representatives outlined many disadvantages as well as sufficient potential opportunities that could lead to different campaign executions.

The competition was healthy bu fierce. The stakes were high and the work was hard, complicated and exploratory and if taking into account that few of the staffers of Mojo Ad have had full-time, long-term ad agency experience, this project was also a tremendous challenge.

Additionally, the client came with a series of challenges of its own. It had a powerful competitor, it was little known by the target public and those who did know about it had an image of an outdated dealership, not to mention that it did not have a clear image in the first place.

Campaign recommendations were: 1) a road trip; 2) a repositioning campaign centered around the concept “We know the feeling” and 3) a concert series in partnership with Columbia’s most renowned and most favorite live concert venue.

Rule number 1: Have all your tactics serve your strategy.

The strategy was to show the target that their opinion and desires mattered to our client. So, team A suggested organizing a series of six concerts, the first five ones building awareness for the last, open-air and completely free concert sponsored by the dealership. The strategy concept was triggered by one of the research key insights that mentioned live music as being an important part of YAYA’s lifestyle. In addition, primary research indicated that the YAYA media consumption uses and expectations are much different compared to other generations. Therefore, it was suggested that once with the beginning of the “We rock, you roll” concert series, an online local battle of the bands competition, hosted by the dealership’s website, would start having as grand prize the opening of the grand concert. Additionally, voters of the battle of the bands will be invited to choose the patters of the free T-shirts that would be given away at the concert, the genre of the concert and even the beverages that should be available. Online advertising and banner exchanges, radio contests, free tickets, weather sponsorships and a partnership with Columbia’s most viewed local television also were part of the promotion. Furthermore, an innovative multi-platform angle was added to the campaign. Concert venue newsletter subscribers and visitors of the dealership’s website were invited take the dealership’s offer of sending text messages about the concert dates and prices upon request. As a reward, every inquiry text message would enter a raffle to a bigger concert in the US. With the same text message facility, concert participants could claim VIP status and or enter first, passing by the long cue that are usually formed in front at the concert venue long before the concerts begin.

So, rule number 2: Dare to innovate

Because of this, not only that team A’s presentation was considered the best but also attracted the attention of the Television Bureau of Advertising, the not-for-profit trade association of America’s broadcast television industry in the United States. As a consequence the team was to New York to present their strategy to the some of the leading figures in local television broadcasting and offering them a recipe of a multi-platform campaign that could be implemented anywhere and anytime. Before getting there, all of team A’s members were worried that their planning and strategy were lagging behind. So, they worked hard and eliminated from their plan everything that seemed unclearly related to their strategy. And when it came to present it, what the team did, was boost its confidence and convince the clients that there was no better plan and no better thought strategy than theirs.

Rule number 3: Believe in yourself.

The impression that it was far behind served team A well as it made it look for multiple way of supporting its work. And the strong, confident presentation contributed to winning the pitch. They rehearsed, practiced and rehearsed again up to the point they realized what are their individual and team advantages and disadvantages. And this was possible because the team got to know each other better and support each other no matter what. They also agreed to choose as presenters those whose chances of winning the pitch were higher disregarding in this way titles and hierarchies.

In the end, it’s all about winning that client.

A lot of good luck and best wishes for successful pitches from Mojo Ad, the YAYA experts!{/viewonly}

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By Violeta-Loredana Pascal

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